COVID-19 Information & Updates
Due to the constant change in general guidance and information provided by the State of WA, the CDC, Seattle Public Health, and Seattle Public Schools; we will be updating this page regularly as information becomes available.
A Word from Our Executive Director
Hello Creative Kids Community,
As an Emergency Childcare for First Responders and Essential Workers comes to an end today, I will like to thank our Hero Teachers for their tireless work. They show up to work day after day, pouring through all the information from Seattle Public Health, the CDC, the Governor and Mayors offices, making sure that all recommendations and guidance are followed as they take extremely good care of these special children.
Thank you Teachers.
I would also like to thank some community members, neighbors, Creative Kids families and kids for bringing meals, gifts, masks, hospital gowns, and words of encouragement. It has been such an amazing support for Creative Kids at a very difficult time in our life. Your kindness is deeply appreciated.
None of us have lived in a time quite like this, however applying the principles from this quote “TREAT OTHERS THE WAY YOU WANT TO BE TREATED” has been very beneficial for myself and family. I encourage the same for your family.
Our summer camp starts on the 6th of July with limited space.
Please continue to check the SPS Website for updated information about School opening in the Fall.
May you and your family stay safe.
In partnership,
Grace Alams
Emergency Child Care
Creative Kids Learning Center is dedicated to the health and safety of all of our children, staff, and families. In order to do our part in helping the community, and continue keeping first responders working, we are offering very limited emergency child care. To find out more information, please inquire here.
6/1/2020 Update: Both locations are currently full at this time.
General Guidance Information
In order to maintain a safe environment for all, Creative Kids Learning Center stays up to date on all the general guidance policies as recommended by the CDC, and the Seattle Public Health Consultants. Some brief policies are listed below if your child is enrolled in one of our programs. We have also included links for sanitizing/disinfecting procedures.
All staff and children will have daily health checks (bodily temperature and respiratory symptom screening) upon arrival to the classroom. Checks will be given during the program if children/staff are experiencing any symptoms related to COVID-19. This information will be documented on a daily basis.
If staff or children are running a fever of 100° F [37.8° C] or greater, have a cough, and/or difficulty breathing, or other COVID-10 symptoms, they will be sent home and told to contact their healthcare provider. They cannot return to site for at least 10 days after symptom onset AND 3 days (72 hours) being free of symptoms (without the use of fever-reducing or other symptom-altering medicines, e.g. cough suppressants).
Social distancing requirements (described as keeping at least 6 feet away from others), will be implemented at all times and during all activities, meetings, etc. Exception will be made when staff are conducting the thermometer check. If there is an emergency situation where a staff needs to be in a close proximity with a student, e.g. students running away, students bleeding, etc., the Site Director can make an exemption to this rule for the safety of the students.
Parents are not allowed in the classrooms for drop off and pick up. They need to stay outside of the building and notify staff of their arrival by texting the staff with the phone number provided. Our plan for drop off and pick up limits direct contact between parents and staff members and adhere to social distancing recommendations.
In the event there is a confirmed COVID-19 case among staff or children, Creative Kids will contact our partners at Seattle Public Health immediately. Creative Kids will inform employees and parents about the confirmed case, without disclosing the name of those infected and without disclosing confidential medical information those infected. All people who closely interacted with the infected will be asked to contact their healthcare provider, stay home for 14 days, and complete a COVID-19 test. Based on the given situation, Creative Kids might consider closing temporarily. Creative Kids will immediately begin cleaning and disinfecting areas used by the person infected with COVID-19. This will help reduce the potential for exposure of respiratory droplets.
Guidelines are not limited to the above and can be expanded/revised at the discretion of the Executive Director at any time.
More detailed guidelines can be found here.